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  • CPR Tips

    Hands-only CPR is a life-saving technique focused on chest compressions without rescue breaths for someone in cardiac arrest. First, check the person's responsiveness and call for emergency help if needed. Then, position the person on their back on a hard surface and expose their chest. Finally, perform strong, fast chest compressions (100-120 per minute) until professional help arrives or the person shows signs of recovery.

  • Day in the Life of a Firefighter

    The daily life of Matawan Borough firefighters is a rich blend of courage, camaraderie, and commitment, characterized by a deep connection to their community. Their days begin with morning rituals that foster unity, followed by rigorous training sessions to master firefighting techniques and equipment. They face unique challenges in emergency situations, embodying the role of first responders with pride and a sense of duty.

  • Welcome to MAFAS

    This organization represents a new era in emergency medical services, highlighting the importance of training, equipment upkeep, and a strong community spirit. It embodies a deep commitment to the wellbeing and safety of its community, going beyond emergency response to foster a safer and more prepared society.