Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Matawan-Aberdeen First Aid Squad. We are super excited to get to know you, and we are looking forward to having you on the team! Please follow the instructions below to fill out our membership application.
If you wish to join Matawan-Aberdeen FAS, please do not send a message, here – instead, please complete an application and our Membership Committee will contact you after their review of your submitted application. If you have any questions feel free to email us though! You can either email your application to us at or drop it in our mailbox at 28 Little Street Matawan, NJ 07747.
To begin your application, please select the appropriate option below:
Frequently Asked Questions
If you wish to join MAFAS, please do not send a message, here – instead, please complete an application and our Membership Committee will contact you after their review of your submitted application. You can either email your application to us at or drop it in our mailbox at 28 Little Street Matawan, NJ 07747
No! We provide all the training you need to ride on the ambulance and assist in emergency calls. Most of our members come in with little or no medical experience.
Most of our members choose to obtain an Emergency Medical Technician certification within two years of joining the squad. There are many EMT training courses available during the year. For active members of the Squad, EMT courses are available at no cost through a state training fund.
Simple answer, no. You need to be an active riding member of MAFAS in order to go through the initial EMT program. If you would like to put yourself through the course, you are more than welcome to do that. If you do decide to go through the squad’s training fund, a contract will be signed saying that you will stay on the squad for one year after certification and being cleared as an EMT for the squad. If an individual does not fulfill their one-year commitment after obtaining their certification, they will be required to reimburse the expenses incurred by the squad for their training program.
We have many honorary members who help with the many administrative functions of the squad, whether it is fundraising, marketing, building maintenance, technology support, or finance and accounting assistance. If you have a particular interest or professional skill and some time to give, please contact us!
Due to the nature of the emergency services we provide, there is a necessary commitment to serving on the squad as an active crew member. Most of our active volunteers pull a single 11 hour shift one night per week. Shifts are from 6:30pm to 6am. A Cadet shift is one night per week from 6:30pm-10:00pm. Cadets are required to stay at the building during their shift.
We are flexible to unique situations. We understand that not everyone can devote a full 11 hour shift every week. We have many stay at home parents who help out during the hours when their children are in school. We also welcome local college students who are able to offer consistent blocks of time during the school year. Not sure? Contact us to discuss whether your availability works!